Creating...learning...enjoying - are we having fun yet?

Sunday 21 August 2011

Fan club of Rosie

As a break from hedge cutting  E and I decided this morning to go to the Heavy Horse and Country Show on Rede Farm near Bury St Edmunds raising money on behalf of the Millennium Farm Trust.

This was after waiting for a Bosch engineer to call (we were told anytime between 7am and 3pm) to look again at our dishwasher- it was part of a recall notice a few weeks ago, when it had a new control board fitted. Since then it got progressively worse at cleaning.
It turns out that some of the internal pipework was clogging up and the fault was probably unrelated to the original recall. However as a goodwill gesture Bosch did not charge us for the call ( and we got the blockages cleared as well).

The Millennium Farm trust was founded in the Autumn 1996. With the aim of providing adults with learning disabilities work and training opportunities in farming, conservation and rural skills within Suffolk. Initially the work was on farms in Suffolk, but since 2004 has been based on a section of Rede farm and also at Old Hall near East Bergholt from 2003 to 2008.

Wherever we go we come across members of the Fan Club of Rosie, and this was no exception. As she is a staffy/springer spaniel cross she has an attractive chestnut coloured coat which is short haired and gleams in the sun. She has a friendly face and attracts everybody's attention. Of course with the cross of staffy and springer, she is full of bounce and likes to jump up and lick everyone if allowed.

At the show were heavy horses (as per the title) who were mostly in their fields or in stables. One was pulling a cart to offer rides, and one was waiting patiently to have new shoes put on. He had one new shoe on, and when I asked the farrier, he said he would do the others as well, but a job that takes under an hour to do, had to last all through the show so that everybody had a chance to see it.

There were craft stalls and food stalls and guess the weight of the horse (several tonnes I would imaging) .
We spotted a candy floss and popcorn stall , and E cannot resist freshly made floss. Sadly it was pre-made in tubs, but they had a machine to make it - Hurrah. However both the teenage stall holders were unsure how to operate the machine, so a quick call to mother and an online tuition course materialised.

After some experimentation with the sugar amount, and then finding out the machine was not plugged in, some floss was duly made.

The teenage girl said it was her brothers stall really, but he wanted to go to the "V" festival near Chelmsford, so had pre-made the candy floss in the morning.

We had a good walk around the surrounding fields and met an ancient tractor also pulling a cart, wending its way around the boundaries.

Rosie found a snakes skin which had been shed at sometime, so a good time was had by all.

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