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Thursday 4 August 2011

Wet day blues

Left a job for today expecting it to be dry this morning, but forecasters were wrong, and it was raining about 4 hours earlier than predicted. Yesterday new chainsaw chain arrived, fitted it and it was like chalk and cheese.

In the instructions it said, to tell if your chain needs sharpening or replacing you will notice the following:-

1) The chainsaw produces sawdust when being used (Check)
2) It needs a lot of effort on your part (Check)
3) You will have to force the blade through the wood (Check)

A new or sharp chainsaw should:-

1) Produce shavings
2) Take little effort on your part
3) Will draw itself through the wood.

Had a trial cut with the new chain fitted-it did all the things a sharp chain was supposed to do!
Zipped through cutting the branches off the next cupressus tree and then cut down the trunk.
This is where I went wrong- I left the branches and two chunks of trunk to be further cut up for transport to the recycling centre  today.

 Yesterday the sky darkened and looked about to pour down with rain. My chainsaw is electric, therefore not good in the wet! So packed up early before cutting pieces down to size.

Naturally although we had thunder and lightning, almost no rain fell.

Neither E or I felt inspired today as it was dreary outside, so late starting jobs.

I eventually worked on a new loft hatch cover as the old one is a bit battered and does not fit well. I need a turn latch to complete it- the sort of thing you have on a caravan door- just a simple handle on one side, that turns a bar in to a slot in the frame on the other side. I know, I thought, go to M&M Leisure in Mildenhall ( will have one- no such luck- they had bits of one as repair items, but not the fully working kit.

So fitted the hinges to the cover board, took the old one off and marked and drilled holes for the new hinges, checked it fitted OK in the space, removed it and put the old one back until I can figure out a replacement catch (the old one is a jury rigged device which looks like it is as well!) Put a first coat of paint on the hatch cover and left it to dry.

Spent a frustrating afternoon trying via Google to find the turn catch I have envisaged in my head- lots of alternatives, but a little pricey, so will keep looking!

Rosie hates the rain- her coat is very short so rain quickly soaks her to the skin- she has spent the day looking for the door in to summer - i.e. a door that when opened gives way to brilliant sunshine, but so far no luck.

Tomorrow looks to be a better day so fingers crossed.

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