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Monday 15 August 2011

House invasion- or how to entertain the grandchildren

Since the last post we have had a houseful - both my son and daughter have been visiting bringing two grand kids each, which is very nice, and is a diversion from the garden activities and other stuff.

In the middle of this the dishwasher also started to play up. It has just been subjected to a recall and has had the control board replaced as their was a risk of a fire starting. Initially all was well, but progressively it cleaned less and less well, and now works sporadically. Have checked for simple things like blockages etc. but nothing seems to help. So- looks like a call out is needed- not sure if it is coincidence or a fault with the new control board!

We have two age ranges in the grandchildren- 9 and 11 years in one (boy and girl)  , and 2 years and a 6 month old in the other (boy and girl), so one pair need exciting things, the other pair need toys and lots of input.
We have variously been to Newmarket horse museum, Go-karting, Horse riding, Cambridge museums, many games of Wii on the tv and games on the carpet for the younger ones- wooden train sets etc. Both older children are in to cross-stitch in a big way, so shopping in John Lewis haberdashery was also a must!

Resumed the great cupressus reduction task. Starting to lop the tops off the hedges to get to a reasonable height without looking like a butchered mess. E and I agreed to a 9 foot maximum height- this will allow me to keep it under control, still give some wind protection and give us time to gradually cut down the hedge(s)  whilst replacing with a less vigorous hedging/shrub areas.

Spent yesterday with tree and shrub books to find ones that grow to 6 ft or so, were evergreen and needed minimal attention- there aren't many that fit this description! Any suggestions here would be appreciated.

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